Descrizione Livelli

Adult Beginner SKI
I’m starting from the basics, trying to become familiar with the snow and obtain confidence in sliding, tackling the snowplow technique, with the aim of being able to face the first slopes and start with the first curves. Reference track of the ski area: TZALY beginners’ pitch
Adult Intermediate SKI
Taking up from the basics, I would like to improve my ability to control the skis, learn to manage the snowplow curves on the blue and red slopes of the area, where I will work on my technique, with the aim of closing the curves with parallel skis. Reference track: PRA NEYRON / ZEROTTA (Blue Slopes)
Adult Advanced SKI
I would like to refine and improve my technique by aiming to make sequences of curves in parallel skis, master the curve on the track and aim to face off-piste descents. Reference runway: INTERNATIONAL / WHITE ROCKS
Yellow - Beginner
My first time on skis! My first glides and my first games on the snow to learn about my body and improve balance. I will begin to try to slide and brake, coming into contact with the snow through the game and the movement at the baby Tzaly pitch.
Green - Newcomers
Skiing is no longer an unknown, I take the ski-lift and start making my first sequences of curves on simple slopes, with ever greater autonomy and control. I will improve my movements while sliding, to be ready to face my first blue slopes!
Blue - Basic
I am growing more and more in this splendid sport and, holding the ski poles, I begin to take my first steps to discover the area, tackling slopes of medium-low difficulty, longer and certainly more fun than the school field. The snowplow and the Pra Neyron slope have no more secrets!
Red - Medium
I am tired of using a snowplough! It’s time to let me hit steeper ski slopes with close skis and I will do my best to keep those skis parallel! I am more and more confident of skiing red slopes and curious of exploring all the secrets of the woods: Smurfs, here we come!
Orange - Advanced
My technique is good, I am pretty accurate and my confidence is getting stronger in challenging runs! I can maintain a parallel stance even at higher speeds and I am starting to gain confidence with different types of ground. Between one drift and another, I need to focus on controlling the skis and on the pole plant!
Black - Top
Parallel skiing and challenging slopes are my bread and butter by now. I wish to perfect my carving technique, drifting along precise lines and knowing that I am able to ski differently according to the different types of slopes. I love speed and there are no more obstacles and limits for me! I need adrenaline to challenge me!
I ski with flow and efficiency, controlling and conducting my skis with complete confidence, I am eager to explore and learn new techniques and I am ready to test myself with new challenges! I want to get to know the world of freestyle, hit jumps and do tricks to increase my balance and control. I am curious to learn all the secrets of the freeride world to improve my skills in skiing down through the powder snow and track the perfect lines!
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Skiing with friends is certainly more fun than alone, and then ... it's more convenient!

Min. 3 - max. 7 participants
Share your days on the snow with new friends!
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